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EICC Signs Statement Reaffirming Support for UN Guiding Principles and Sustainable Development Goals

In advance of the 2015 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights, the EICC and other organizations reaffirmed support for UN Guiding Principles and Sustainable Development Goals and a commitment to continue to promote them among our networks and in the global business community.

Nov. 9, 2015

The EIectronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC) and the United Nations Global Compact, Business for Social Responsibility (BSR), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the International Organisation of Employers (OIE), the Global Business Initiative on Human Rights (GBI), the U.S. Council for International Business (USCIB), World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA), and the International Council on Mining & Metals (ICMM) signed a statement that reaffirms our support for UN Guiding Principles and Sustainable Development Goals and our commitment to continue to promote their implementation among our networks and in the global business community. View the statement here on the UN Global Compact's website


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